Sunday, June 12, 2011

Moving around is amazing

Transport here is a fascination. It can range from the family motor bike carrying the tiniest baby to several adults all at the same time. The truck which we call a ute is loaded so high it is scary to pass by and there are people on top of it or the deck of the ute has a large number of people going somewhere. There are all sorts of the strangest contraptions to transport things and people including tuk tuks, motor bike taxis, motor bikes or push bikes with a deck at the front. And then there is me shuddering along on my motor bike. I have a license now although, to pass, I had to learn THEIR answers by rote not the ones in the road code. They were different. The English translations were a real challenge. I couldn't even imagine what was being asked. So, transport remains a fascination and these are only 3 examples of how to get around. The varieties are limitless.

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