Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Thailand - here I come

In a fortnight's time I leave for a year as a volunteer, with VSO, in Mae Sot, Thailand. Mae Sot is close to the Burmese border and my work is aimed at getting migrant kids into registered schools. Currently, it seems, about a quarter of these children go to schools.

Some people say "What on earth?" "Why would you do that?" "I've always wanted to do something like that." "You must be very brave - or silly" "I'll come to see you." and so the comments go. I watch people's faces when I say that now and have off-pat answers.

But really ..... I'm going for an adventure, to experience a very different way of life, to have new challenges and to help other people. I have had my 9 immunisations, I have a year's supply of anti malaria tablets, my flight details have arrived and I have spent the last while with family and friends enjoying their company. I still have to be able to ride a motor bike - can you imagine me on the streets of Asia on a motor bike with my white full faced helmet (still have to get that too).

I will miss everyone I leave behind there is no doubt. But now.......

Now I am nearly on my way.

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