Friday, August 8, 2008

making a beach

These two photos are the before and after of a beach. The first one shows the constuction zone as they "make" a beach from the sea - reclaiming the land. The second photo is what the beach looks like after it is made. Gorgeous.


nat said...

Hi Judy
You have succeeded in extending my ICT skills even in your absence. I have just created my own blogspace so that I can comment on yours and let you know we are thinking of you. Everything looks and sounds spectacular. The landscape looks just like the photos we found before you left only you're in them now! Looking forward to seeing and hearing more. Natalie

Jules said...

Hi Judy,
Well you are living the dream. It looks amazing. Must take a bit of getting used to though. We are all thinking of you and missing you. -and jealous of course. Take care and keep in touch